Iain Andrew HALLIDAY


Per l'anno accademico 2024--2025 (30 settembre 2024--1 ottobre 2025) il prof. Halliday è in congedo per motivi di studio.

Iain Andrew HALLIDAY, Curriculum vitae


Bellshill (Lanarkshire, Scotland), 15 January 1960

secondary school

Nailsea Comprehensive, Nailsea, Avon, England

Calday Grange Grammar School, West Kirby, Wirral, England

1978 A levels in English (B), History (B), French (E) and General Studies (D)

1986 A level in Italian (A) (external candidate, St George’s English School, Rome)

university studies

1978–1981 University of Manchester, B.A. (hons) American Studies (2:1)

1981–1983 University of Manchester, M.A. American Studies (by research, thesis title, The Progressive Tendency and American Painting and Architecture, 1880–1945)

1997–2006 University of Warwick (registered part-time, non-resident, supervisors Susan Bassnett and Piotr Kuhiwczak) PhD in Translation Studies, thesis title, Pinocchio and Huckleberry Finn in Translation: between Theory and Praxis, between Hubris and Humility.

work experience

1984–1986 English mother-tongue lector assigned to the teaching subject, American Literature, Faculty of Letters, University of Catania, Sicily, Italy

1986–2000 Freelance English-language teaching and translating from Italian to English

1986–1987 Secretary to the literary scout, Mondadori, London

1987–1988 Assistant editor, Walker Books, children’s book publisher, London

1988–1990 Assistant editor, editorial unit, Midland Montagu investment bank, London

1990–2000 English mother-tongue lector for the Department of American Literature, University of Catania, Sicily, Italy

2000–2018 Ricercatore and docente [researcher and lecturer] (confirmed 2003) Language and translation (English language), Faculty of Languages (since 2011 Faculty of Letters and from 2012, Department of Humanities (DiSUm), University of Catania, Sicily, Italy

2018–present day, Professore associato [associate professor] Language and translation (English language), Department of Humanities (DiSUm), University of Catania, Sicily, Italy


Teaching responsibilities at the University of Catania since 1999

Academic year 1999–2000

Supply teaching (teaching and examinations) on the University Diploma (U.D.) course for Translators and interpeters based in Giarre (Catania Province): Textual analysis (English language) (25 hours); English language (diachronic, diatopic, diastratic varieties with written examination and laboratory work) (50 hours).

1 diploma dissertation supervised.

Academic year 2000–2001

Faculty of Letters, Catania, teaching the subject, English language and literature (Degree courses in Letters) and English language (Degree course in Philosophy) (60 hours, examinations up until the summer session, academic year 2001–2002).

Supply teaching (teaching and examinations) on the University Diploma course for Translators and Interpeters based in Giarre (Catania Province): English language (Modern language I/II with written examination and laboratory for the III semester of the diploma course (60 hours); English language (Sectorial languages of the humanities) (30 hours); English language (Modern language I/II with written examination and laboratory) (60 hours).

Participation in preparatory meetings for the new three-year degree courses.

Member of the teaching group for the Doctoral program in English and Anglo-American Studies.

Three degree dissertations supervised.

Academic year 2001–2002 (13 CFU [University Credits])

Teaching (72 hours, 9 CFU) and examinations, English language I for the new degree courses in Catania (Scienze per la comunicazione internazionale [International Communication Studies] and Lingue e culture europee [European Languages and Cultures]), seminar module, “La traduzione” [“Translation”]; teaching (32 hours, 4 CFU) and examinations, English literature I for the new degree course in Catania, European Languages and Cultures.

Supply teaching (teaching and examinations) on the University Diploma course for Translators and Interpeters based in Giarre (Catania Province): English language (diachronic, diatopic, diastratic varieties with written examination and laboratory work) (50 hours).

Thirteen degree/diploma dissertations supervised.

Academic year 2002–2003 (9 CFU)

Teaching (63 hours, 9 CFU) and examinations, English language I for the degree course in European Languages and Cultures, Catania, seminar module, “Which English?”

Supply teaching (20 hours) per la Scuola Interuniversitaria Siciliana di Specializzazione per l’Insegnamento Secondario (SISSIS [Sicilian Interuniversity Specialization School for Secondary School Teaching]): “Workshop on analysis of written and oral performance in English”.

One doctoral and five degree dissertations supervised.

Academic year 2003–2004 (12.5 CFU)

Teaching (32 hours, 4.5 CFU) and examinations, English language I for the degree course in European Languages and Cultures in Catania, seminar module, “Twenty Songs”; teaching (56 hours, 8 CFU) and examinations, English language III for the degree course in European Languages and Cultures in Catania, seminar module, “The Four Skills”.

Literary translation workshop for the doctoral program in English and Anglo-American Studies.

Three degree dissertations supervised.

Academic year 2004–2005 (18 CFU)

Teaching (28 hours, 4 CFU) and examinations, English language II for the degree course in European Languages and Cultures in Catania, seminar module, “Ten Songs”; teaching (56 hours, 8 CFU) and examinations, English language III for the degree course in International Communication Studies, seminar module, “The Language in the Literature”; teaching (42 hours, 6 CFU) and examinations, English language I per the postgraduate degree course in Lingue straniere per la comunicazione internazionale [Modern Languages for International Communication], seminar module, “La traduzione letteraria” [“Literary Translation”].

“Medialab” workshop (a Faculty of Languages initiative), “Words and Music”.

Workshop (20 hours) “Lingua e cultura” [“Language and Culture”] for SISSIS.

Eight degree dissertations supervised.

Academic year 2005–2006 (15 CFU)

Teaching (63 hours, 9 CFU) and examinations, English language I for the degree course in International Communication Studies, seminar module, “Comprendere la lingua straniera” [“Understanding a Foreign Language”]; teaching (42 hours, 6 CFU) and examinations, English language I for the postgraduate degree in Modern Languages for International Communication, seminar module, “La traduzione” [“Translation”[.

Nominated representative for the English Studies area on the Faculty’s teaching committee.

One doctoral and three degree dissertations supervised.

Academic year 2006–2007 (17 CFU)

Teaching (56 hours, 8 CFU) and examinations, English language III for the degree course in International Communication Studies, seminar module, “Mediaspeak”; teaching (42 hours, 6 CFU) and examinations, English language II per the postgraduate degree course in European Languages and Cultures; teaching (21 hours, 3 CFU) and examinations, English language II for the postgraduate degree course in Modern Languages for International Communication.

Supply teaching a module (60 hours, “Linguaggi e comunicazione: giornalismo, teatro e cinema in area anglistica” [“Languages and communication: journalism, theatre and cinema in the English-spepaking area”], and a workshop of 20 hours, “Laboratorio di analisi dei documenti autentici: lingua inglese” [“Workshop on analysis of real documents: English language”], on the SISSIS “special courses”.

Teaching (20 hours) and examinations in “Traduttologia” [“Translatology”], a special course for four students of the Scuola Superiore di Catania (the University’s School of Excellence).

Eleven degree dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2007–2008 (17 CFU)

Teaching (56 hours, 8 CFU) and examinations, English language III for the degree course in International Communication Studies, seminar module, “The Language of Culture”; teaching (42 hours, 6 CFU) and examinations, English language II for the postgraduate degree course in European Languages and Cultures, seminar module, “What Translation Is”; teaching (21 hours, 3 CFU) and examinations, English language II for the postgraduate degree course in Modern Languages for International Communication, seminar module, “La traduzione” [“Translation”].

Supply teaching: three workshops (a total of 65 ore) for SISSIS: “Analisi dei documenti autentici” [“Analysis of Authentic Documents”]; “Cultura ed insegnamento” [“Culture and Teaching”]; “Analisi della performance orale e scritto” [“Analysis of Oral and Written Performance”].

One doctoral and ten degree dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2008–2009 (18 CFU)

Teaching (63 hours, 9 CFU) and examinations, English language III for the degree course in International Communication Studies, seminar module, “The language of culture: exploring the English Language and Anglophone cultures through a variety of contemporary and historical examples”; teaching (42 hours, 6 CFU) and examinations, English language I for the postgraduate degree course in Modern Languages for International Communication, seminar module, “Worlds of Words”; teaching (21 hours, 3 CFU) and examinations, English language I for the postgraduate degree course in European and extra-European Languages and Cultures, seminar module, “The lexis in the lyrics: the language of five British ‘pop’ songs read as poetry.”

One doctoral and eight degree dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2009–2010 (18 CFU)

Teaching (54 hours, 9 CFU) and examinations, English language III for the degree course in International Communication Studies, seminar module, “From the Wireless to Wifi: the Adventure of English through Its Use in International and National Radio Stations”; teaching (36 hours, 6 CFU) and examinations, English language II for the postgraduate degree course in Modern Languages for International Communication, seminar module, “The Language of Man, the Language of Woman: ways of looking at gender in language study”; teaching (18 hours, 3 CFU) and examinations, English language II for the postgraduate degree course in Modern Languages for International Communication, seminar module, “Translating Worlds and Words: a close look at some English translations of Italian fiction.”

Sixteen degree (undergraduate and postgraduate) dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2010–2011 (12 CFU)

Teaching (54 hours, including 12 on the e-learning platform, “Studium”, 9 CFU) and examinations, Lingua e comunicazione inglese I [English language and communication I] for the degree course in Lingue per la comunicazione internazionale [Languages for International Communication], seminar module, “Traduzione” [“Translation”]; teaching (18 hours, 3 CFU) and examinations , Linguistica e traduzione inglese I [England linguistics and translation] for the postgraduate degree course in Lingue europee ed extraeuropee [European and extra-European Languages and Cultures], seminar module, “Theory and Praxis of Literary Translation”.

One doctoral and twenty degree (undergraduate and postgraduate) dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2011–2012 (18 CFU)

Teaching (54 hours, including 12 on the e-learning platform, “Studium”, 9 CFU) and examinations, English language and communication I for the degree course in Languages for International Communication, seminar module, “Translation”; teaching (54 hours, including 12 on the e-learning platform, “Studium”, 9 CFU) and examinations, English linguistics and translation I for the postgraduate course in European and extra-European Languages and Cultures, seminar modules, “Discourse Analysis/Literary Translation: Theory and Praxis”.

Nominated to the commission for the entrance examinations to the TFA (Tirocinio Formativo Attivo [Active Placement Training]) for the teaching of English language and civilization in second-level secondary schools.

Seven degree (postgraduate and undergraduate) dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2012–2013 (12 CFU)

Teaching (54 hours, including 12 on the e-learning platform, “Studium”, 9 CFU) and exams, English language and communication I for the degree course in Languages and Communication Science, seminar module, “Translation”; teaching (18 hours, 3 CFU) and exams, English language and communication III for the degree course in Languages for International Communication, seminar module, “From Wireless to Wi-Fi: British Radio”.

Partial responsibility for the “Offerta Formativa Aggiuntivi” (OFA — remedial work for students who gained a low score at the entrance test) for students in the first year of the degree course in Languages and Communication Science.

Partial and ongoing responsibility for a backlog of exams in English Language for students on degree courses of the former Faculty of Letters of the University.

Fifteen degree dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2013–2014 (12 CFU)

Teaching (54 hours, including 12 on the e-learning platform, “Studium”, 9 CFU) and exams, English language and communication I for the degree course in Languages and Communication Science, seminar module, “Translation”; teaching (18 hours, 3 CFU) and exams, Contemporary English for the postgraduate degree In European and extra-European Languages and Cultures, seminar module, “What Is Translation?”

Nineteen degree (undergraduate and postgraduate) dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2014–2015 (12 CFU)

Teaching (54 hours, 9 CFU) and exams, English language and communication I for the degree course in Languages and Communication Science, seminar module, “Translation”; teaching (18 hours, 3 CFU) and exams, Contemporary English for the postgraduate degree In European and extra-European Languages and Cultures, seminar module, “What Is Translation?”

Sixteen degree (undergraduate and postgraduate) dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2015–2016 (12 CFU)

Teaching (54 hours, 9 CFU) and exams, English language and communication I for the degree course in Languages and Communication Science, seminar module, “Translation”; teaching (18 hours, 3 CFU) and exams, Contemporary English for the postgraduate degree In European and extra-European Languages and Cultures, seminar modules, “Critical Discourse Analysis” and “Literary Translation”.

Eight degree (undergraduate and postgraduate) dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2016–2017 (6 CFU)

Teaching (18 hours, 3 CFU) and exams, Contemporary English for the postgraduate degree In European and extra-European Languages and Cultures, seminar modules, “Critical Discourse Analysis” and “Literary Translation”.

?? (undergraduate and postgraduate) dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2017–2018 (6 CFU)

Teaching (18 hours, 3 CFU) and exams, Contemporary English for the postgraduate degree In European and extra-European Languages and Cultures, seminar modules, “Critical Discourse Analysis” and “Literary Translation”.

?? (undergraduate and postgraduate) dissertations/final essays supervised.

Academic year 2018–2019 (15 CFU)

Teaching (54 hours, 9 CFU) and exams, English language and communication I for the degree course in Languages and Communication Science, seminar module, “Translation”; teaching (36 hours, 6 CFU) and exams, Contemporary English for the postgraduate degree in Comparative Languages and Cultures, seminar modules, “Critical Discourse Analysis” and “Literary Translation”.

?? degree (undergraduate and postgraduate) dissertations/final essays supervised.


2010 – winner of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Research Fellowship Endowment for a stay of one month at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas, Austin; research project title, “D.H. Lawrence in Sicily and D.H. Lawrence, Translator of Giovanni Verga.”

Other activities

Erasmus exchange coordinator with: Bonn; Valladolid; Warwick.

March–April 2009, 2010, 2011, called by the EACEA (Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency) of the European Union to work as an independent expert on the assessment of applications made by publishers for the funding of literary translation projects.

May 2010, called by the EACEA to work as an independent expert on the assessment of Erasmus Mundus funding applications.

Between 2005 and 2012 liaised between the Faculty of Languages (then Letters, then the Department of Human Sciences), University of Catania, with regard to the protocol agreement with the Pro-loco [Tourist board] of Maniace (Bronte, Catania Province) which involved the organization of the Centro Studi William Sharp [William Sharp Study Centre] and the annual Premio letterario William Sharp, [William Sharp Literary Prize] a poetry translation competition for school and university students.

February 2007, Catania, organization of and participation in Odysseus: the Journey Home, a musical reading in English, directed by the English singer-songwriter, Richard Grainger.

Conference participation

?? – to be updated (23/02/2019)

First Durham Postgraduate Colloquium – “Theoretical Frameworks and Methodologies: Research in Translation Studies”, University of Durham (UK), 25 gennaio 2013, paper read: “The Real Scandal of Translation”.

“Literary Translation in Practice”, University of Lecce, 10–11 May 2012, paper read: “Giovanni Verga in English.”

“(Re)visiting translation: linguistic and cultural issues across genres”, University of Salerno, 19–20 April 2012, paper read: “From ‘La canzone del sole (1971) to ‘The Sun Song’ (1977): more than textual problems in the translation of Battisti’s pop anthem.”

ESSE-10, Turin, Italy, 24–28 August 2010, paper read: “Pinocchio in English.”

AIA National Conference, Università Roma III, 1–3 October 2009, paper read: “The language of man, the language of woman: William Sharp and Fiona Macleod.”

ESSE-9 2008, Aarhus, Denmark, 22–26 August 2008, paper read: “The Lexis in the Lyrics: Five British Pop Songs Read as Poetry.”

“Words in Time”, Ragusa, 22–23 May 2008, paper read: “‘Society’, its derivative ‘social’ and the rise of the antonym ‘antisocial.’”

Symposium in Honour of William Sharp, Paisley UK, September 2005, paper read: “White Weather on Etna.”

Simposio letterario in onore di William Sharp, Maniace, Sicily, December 2005, paper read: “William Sharp e l’Etna.”

Twelfth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics, University of Glasgow, 21–26 agosto 2002 (no paper read).

AIA National Conference, Università di Catania, 4–6 October 2001 (no paper reada, member of the Organizational and Academic Committee).

Second IALIC conference, Centre for Language Study, Leeds Metropolitan University, 1–2 December 2001, paper read: “The translated world of the monastery on the hill: The Viceroys (1962), Archibald Colquhoun’s translation of Federico De Roberto’s novel, I Viceré (1894).”


AIA – Associazione Italiana di Anglistica

N.B. l'elevato numero di pubblicazioni può incidere sul tempo di caricamento della pagina

Anno accademico 2021/2022

Anno accademico 2020/2021

Anno accademico 2019/2020

Anno accademico 2018/2019

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Anno accademico 2015/2016
Congedo per motivi di studio

Per l'anno accademico 2024--2025 (1 ottobre 2024 -- 30 settembre 2025) il prof. Halliday è in congedo per motivi di studio.

Guida alle tesi di laurea

Per l'anno accademico 2024--2025 il prof. Halliday è in congedo per motivi di studio e pertanto attualmente non può prendere impegni come relatore per tesi di laurea / prove finali.