Agnese Rosa AMADURI

Assistant Professor of Italian literature [ITAL-01/A]

Agnese Amaduri is Lecturer in Italian Literature. From April 2022 she is Delegate for Internationalization in the Department of Humanities.

She obtained a PhD in Modern Philology in 2008 and a second PhD in Cultural Heritage Studies in 2018. In March 2018 she obtained the National Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor in Italian Literature (10 F1).

In November 2024, she was awarded a Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, as an Experienced researcher, to carry out a semester of research at the Institut für Literaturwissenschaft of the Universität Stuttgart. In the academic year 2022-2023, she was Visiting Professor at the same institute thanks to the award of the Ermete Fellowship of the Italienzentrum.

She was Research Fellow (2007-2011) at the University of Catania and in the same institution she held the position of fixed- term Researcher with a project on Intellectual emigration and Italian literature in European countries (2013-2014). She also carried on a semester of studies at the University of Oxford (2016-2017) as Visiting scholarr. In 2012 she was Research Assistant in a project financed by Monash University (Melbourne) on Luigi Capuana. She is member of the project PRIN PNRR Co.Ver.Less. (University of Catania and CNR);  she also took part in several PRA projects at the University of Catania.

She dedicated herself to the study of novels, comic and satirical poetry, epistolography, treatises and female lyrics of the 16th century (Anton Francesco Grazzini, Giovan Guglielmo Bonincontro, Scipione di Castro, Vittoria Colonna, Isabella Morra, Gaspara Stampa). She also focused on the links between religious heterodoxy and literature during the Renaissance and Libertinism in the Eighteenth and first half of the Nineteenth century (Domenico Tempio, Giovanni Gambini, Giuseppe Marco Calvino). She dedicated numerous articles and essays to the work of Leonardo Sciascia (from Morte dell’Inquisitore to La Strega e il capitano, from Il Consiglio d’Egitto to Todo modo).

In more recent years she has turned mainly to the novels and epistolary of Federico De Roberto, focusing on the reconstruction of the period of genesis and publication of I Viceré, through the analysis of his correspondence. On behalf of the Fondazione Verga she also edited the critical edition of the correspondence between De Roberto and Treves Publisher. She deepened the study of some major themes in Leonardo Sciasciaìs works, in  Annie Vivanti's fiction and, in general, in women's narrative between 19th and 20th centuries; she is also focusing on children's literature during Fascism.

N.B. the number of publications can affect the loading time of the information

Academic Year 2021/2022

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020

Academic Year 2018/2019